The image above that you may have received or might receive on your emails is a hoax as per Sony Ericsson Global on their May 12, 2009 Press Release on their official website.

This was sent to me by my wife via email "for review" if it's true or not. And at first being an emotional human, you might be enticed just like I was enticed. But then as I always try to be logical as often as possible, I noticed some irregularities IF this email campaign is true.

First, how can they give laptops if they haven't even have an instruction there asking for my mailing details or how to get the free laptop. Second, I doubt if hundreds of thousands [or even millions] of people believed this and did what was necessary to "receive" the free laptop, how the hell will they be able to supply such number of laptops for free? For me being a marketer myself, I don't think that's marketing... For me, on that scale of freebies that's already charity/donation which is not really that good in business [charity is good of course but to some extent only]. Imagine if a laptop costs at least P50,000.00 and if 1M people participated on this, then that would mean an expense to the email campaign starter of P50M? Hmmm... Third, I don't think Sony Ericsson has a PC product as they are a cellphone company. Although, I think Sony has a PC line but not Sony Ericsson.

And after those observations I was still hoping that it's not a hoax kasi sayang din ang FREE laptop so I Googled "Ericsson T18 Laptop" and then I ended up going to the post of where I was able to go to the Official Sony Ericsson Global Website as well to confirm the email campaign. And yes it's just a hoax guys for your information according to Sony Ericsson's Official Website.

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