I remember when I was younger hearing someone in a sari-sari store, "Pabili nga ng Colgate yung Close-up!", it was even used as a joke in the succeeding years. This is what business people call Branding. Branding in layman's term is simply being the first product or brand in mind of the consumer. So in the above mentioned example, it should have been toothpaste [common noun] instead of Colgate [proper noun] which is a toothpaste brand. Business owners love this.

This is what the TV commercial of LBC in an attempt for their brand name [LBC] to become the first product or brand in mind whenever people are talking about "remittance"... If you've seen the commercial, you'll notice that Edu Manzano acting as the gameshow host of the advertisement asked a boy to spell the word "remittance" and the boy spelled it as "LBC" which is of course the brand name of LBC. This TV commercial is being requested by some concerned parties to be pulled out for being misleading and improper as children will not understand.

I have nothing against the request to pull out the commercial but I have nothing against the commercial as well. Kumbaga, walang personalan, trabaho lang.

We as viewers don't have full power to control the contents in any media [TV, radio, newspaper, internet, etc.] as these entities prioritize earning than being socially responsible although they can opt to become one but earning is more their priority. And that I understand them because we all need to earn for our needs and wants. With that in mind, as parents, teachers and matured people although we may not be able to control the contents of such media, we have the power to "teach and guide" the young ones [be it our children, siblings, students, friends, etc.]. That's our role. That's our job. That's our responsibility. It's our mandatory responsibility to our kids, siblings, students and friends because 90+% of all the contents being shown in all media can be misunderstood and misinterpreted by young ones.

Will this group request to stop showing fight scenes, mild kissing scenes, shouting, etc. in TV shows and movies because it may be misunderstood and misinterpreted by young ones? Of course they can "try" but it would be best to have a plan B if in case their attempt to stop such contents by simultaneously teaching and guiding their young ones whenever watching TV, listening to radio, reading newspaper/book/magazine, etc. as that one we have full control. Much like we can't control and stop the rain from falling but we can bring an umbrella.

Anyway, hey, LBC people... I provide a medium for you to advertise as well so this is the only time I'll blog you for free! hehehehe...

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